How to travel safely in covid 19?

How to travel safely in covid 19?

20.01.2022, 2134
Travel tips

How to travel safely in covid 19?

No matter whether you are taking a plane, train, bus, jeepney, ferry, tuk-tuk, ride-hailing taxi, truck, or car, if you are traveling for the holidays, it is essential to keep up preventive measures to protect yourself and those around you from COVID-19. Get vaccinated as soon as it is your turn and take all the protective measures you can before, during, and after travel.

Stay safe wherever you go!!

Traveling during a pandemic requires a more detailed and cautious approach than before, but it can be done while minimizing risks to you.


Advice if you are traveling

No matter whether you are taking a plane, train, bus, jeepney, ferry, tuk-tuk, ride-hailing taxi, truck, or car, if you are traveling for the holidays, it is essential to keep up preventive measures to protect yourself and those around you from COVID-19. Get vaccinated as soon as it is your turn and take all the protective measures you can before, during, and after travel.

1) Plan ahead. Get vaccinated.                                                      

2) Even if you’re fully vaccinated, keep up protective measures including keeping at least 1 meter away from other passengers when possible, wearing a mask that fully covers your nose, mouth, and chin, covering your coughs, and sneezes, and keeping your hands clean. Take extra masks, alcohol-based hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes with you when you travel.


3) When possible, open windows in your car, bus, or other vehicles to increase ventilation.

4) Follow local, national, and international health and travel guidelines based on where you are traveling.

Some state, local and territorial governments have requirements, such as requiring people to wear masks or get tested, and requiring those who recently traveled to stay home for up to 14 days. Save yourself unpleasant surprises and delays by checking for restrictions at your destination and anywhere you might stop along the way.

Keep in mind that restrictions can change rapidly depending on local conditions. It's also important to keep in mind the COVID-19 situation, such as the level of spread and presence of variants, varies in each country. Check back for updates as your trip gets closer.


5) Wash hands regularly

If soap and water are not available to clean your hands, use a hand sanitizer which is at least 60% alcohol. Experts agree that good old-fashioned handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (which is the time it takes to sing ’Happy Birthday to yourself twice) is the best defense and caution that constant use of hand sanitizer can irritate your skin.


6) Practice good hygiene

Respiratory diseases like COVID-19 spread through droplets of saliva or mucus, usually when people cough or sneeze, then others come in contact with the droplets. So avoid touching your own eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands, as viruses most frequently enter the body through these routes.


7) Clean up

While many airlines have announced an extra plane cleaning, there is no guarantee that every surface will get the full treatment. So carry antibacterial wipes to clean your seat armrest, tray table, seat-back pocket, air vent, seat touch screen, headrest, and window blind. The same advice is sensible for other items frequently used by travelers, including hotel television remote controls and cleaning your hands after traveling on shuttles, taxis, holding handrails, and using elevators.

8) Do not travel if you’re feeling unwell.


Take care when you arrive

When you reach your destination, continue to take all the precautions to keep yourself and those around you safe from COVID-19.

Keep a distance of at least 1 meter while disembarking, in queues, and in transport.

Follow COVID-19 guidelines from local authorities when you arrive at stations, ports, and airports.


When possible, open windows in your hotel or other accommodation to increase ventilation.

Report to medical authorities if you have any symptoms of COVID-19. While COVID-19 can be asymptomatic, the most common symptoms are fever, dry cough, and fatigue. Other symptoms that are less common include loss of taste or smell, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis (also known as red eyes), sore throat, headache, muscle or joint pain, skin rash, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, chills, and dizziness.

If you have these symptoms, stay at your accommodation and call a healthcare provider or COVID-19 hotline to find out when and where to get a test, and what other steps you need to take. People who have had close contact with someone who is or may be infected may also consider quarantining and testing. Again, follow local guidance.


If you do travel during the pandemic, plan ahead to keep everyone safe

It’s OK if you want or need to travel, but we recommend being smart and developing a game plan beforehand to keep yourself and those you love safe.

How to travel safely in covid 19?

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